This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of DAVIS. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
DAVIS, Aaron John       DAVIS, Alan John LANGFORD, Christine Lois
DAVIS, Adam Michael       DAVIS, Robert George ELLIOT, Helen Margaret
DAVIS, Alan John     LANGFORD, Christine Lois, WINDERS, Jeanette Margaret DAVIS, Gordon John ROLLSTON, Florence Esme Harriet
DAVIS, Alfred Charles 29 November 1937 15 September 2018 OLNEY, Lynette Ann, BIRKBECK, Margaret Vivienne DAVIS, Horace George WENNERSTEN, Eda Marea Coraline
DAVIS, Alfred James 24 October 1848 23 August 1921 WILLMAN, Johana DAVIS, John SPILLING, Marianne
DAVIS, Alfred James 14 April 1908 3 June 1923   DAVIS, Alfred Joseph Spelling ROGERS, Frances Ethel
DAVIS, Alfred Joseph Spelling 26 September 1875 23 November 1942 ROGERS, Frances Ethel DAVIS, Edward Alfred CHAPPEL, Emily
DAVIS, Alice Ellen Elizabeth 1842 9 January 1923 SMITH, William, ROYAL, Henry DAVIS, John SPILLING, Marianne
DAVIS, Audrey Joan 16 February 1927 18 August 2015 DURHAM, William Joseph DAVIS, Alfred Joseph Spelling ROGERS, Frances Ethel
DAVIS, Bernadette Louise       DAVIS, Steven John URBANO, Franca Elda
DAVIS, Bert Huntley 28 August 1924 29 October 1992 CARROLL, Bridget Mary DAVIS, George Edward McLEAN, Alice
DAVIS, Carole Ann       DAVIS, Alfred Charles OLNEY, Lynette Ann
DAVIS, Celia (Nell) Ellen 1 July 1934 17 July 2009 SHEARSMITH, Malcolm Edward DAVIS, Leslie Oswald LOVE, Celia Ernestine
DAVIS, Danielle Therese       DAVIS, Robert George ELLIOT, Helen Margaret
DAVIS, Doris (Cathy) Catherine 29 February 1940     DAVIS, Leslie Oswald LOVE, Celia Ernestine
DAVIS, Dudley George 13 February 1911 20 June 1989   DAVIS, Alfred Joseph Spelling ROGERS, Frances Ethel
DAVIS, Edward 20 August 1936 7 July 2007   DAVIS, Edward (Ned) BOURKE, Kathleen Veronica
DAVIS, Edward (Ned) 26 May 1907 26 August 1989 BOURKE, Kathleen Veronica DAVIS, George Edward McLEAN, Alice
DAVIS, Edward Alfred 2 October 1846 30 November 1894 CHAPPEL, Emily, STEDMAN, Minnie DAVIS, John SPILLING, Marianne
DAVIS, Eliza Ann 3 November 1929 MADDEN, Thomas DAVIS, John SPILLING, Marianne
DAVIS, Ethel Isabel (Belle) 25 December 1905 8 December 1967 MERRIN, William Frederick DAVIS, Alfred Joseph Spelling ROGERS, Frances Ethel
DAVIS, Evelyn Maude 4 October 1918   DINGWALL, Douglas Cameron DAVIS, Alfred Joseph Spelling ROGERS, Frances Ethel
DAVIS, Frances Elizabeth 3 May 1940   JONES, Trevor Llewellyn DAVIS, Gordon John ROLLSTON, Florence Esme Harriet
DAVIS, George Edward 12 July 1877 9 June 1957 McLEAN, Alice DAVIS, Edward Alfred CHAPPEL, Emily
DAVIS, George Irvine 23 September 1911 7 September 1978   DAVIS, George Edward McLEAN, Alice
DAVIS, George Spelling 1845 28 January 1911   DAVIS, John SPILLING, Marianne
DAVIS, Gordon John 29 June 1913 28 August 1987 ROLLSTON, Florence Esme Harriet DAVIS, Alfred Joseph Spelling ROGERS, Frances Ethel
DAVIS, Gregory John     FITZHARDINGE, Ruth DAVIS, John Alfred McDOUGALL, Mary Louisa Catherine
DAVIS, Horace George 8 July 1905 28 May 1954 WENNERSTEN, Eda Marea Coraline DAVIS, John Edwin William SMITH, Catherine Florence
DAVIS, Jack 21 October 1907 23 July 1910   DAVIS, John Edwin William SMITH, Catherine Florence
DAVIS, Jacqueline Mary     JAVENS, Unknown DAVIS, John Alfred McDOUGALL, Mary Louisa Catherine
DAVIS, Janice       DAVIS, Edward (Ned) BOURKE, Kathleen Veronica
DAVIS, John       DAVIS, Edward (Ned) BOURKE, Kathleen Veronica
DAVIS, John 1812 24 December 1893 SPILLING, Marianne  
DAVIS, John Alfred 27 April 1915 13 June 1964 McDOUGALL, Mary Louisa Catherine DAVIS, John Edwin William SMITH, Catherine Florence
DAVIS, John Edwin 1836 2 July 1899   DAVIS, John SPILLING, Marianne
DAVIS, John Edwin William 19 August 1879 31 May 1927 ROGERS, Sarah Eliza, SMITH, Catherine Florence DAVIS, Edward Alfred CHAPPEL, Emily
DAVIS, Joseph 1837     DAVIS, John SPILLING, Marianne
DAVIS, Judy     GRIEVES, John DAVIS, Edward (Ned) BOURKE, Kathleen Veronica
DAVIS, Katherine Alice       DAVIS, Alfred Charles OLNEY, Lynette Ann
DAVIS, Kathleen     SWAN, Ray DAVIS, Edward (Ned) BOURKE, Kathleen Veronica
DAVIS, Kelvin Alfred       DAVIS, Alfred Charles OLNEY, Lynette Ann
DAVIS, Kevin Andrew       DAVIS, Alfred Charles OLNEY, Lynette Ann
DAVIS, Leal Marion Eliza 19 August 1912 10 January 1974 FRANKLIN, Harold Claude, COLLINSON, George Hunter DAVIS, John Edwin William SMITH, Catherine Florence
DAVIS, Leonie Veronica     Van NAMEN, Jason DAVIS, Sidney Graham LEFROY, Pauline Lucille
DAVIS, Leslie Horace 18 September 1940 10 June 2016   DAVIS, Horace George WENNERSTEN, Eda Marea Coraline
DAVIS, Leslie John 11 November 1937   RASMUSSEN, Joan Ruth DAVIS, Leslie Oswald LOVE, Celia Ernestine
DAVIS, Leslie Oswald 20 April 1910 24 August 1989 LOVE, Celia Ernestine DAVIS, John Edwin William SMITH, Catherine Florence
DAVIS, Linda Michelle       DAVIS, Sidney Graham LEFROY, Pauline Lucille
DAVIS, Margaret June 31 August 1932   FITZPATRICK, William Allen DAVIS, Leslie Oswald LOVE, Celia Ernestine
DAVIS, Michelle Elizabeth       DAVIS, Robert George ELLIOT, Helen Margaret
DAVIS, Monica       DAVIS, Walter George McDOUGALL, Sophie Hurford
DAVIS, Neil       DAVIS, Edward (Ned) BOURKE, Kathleen Veronica
DAVIS, Nicola Anne       DAVIS, Robert George ELLIOT, Helen Margaret
DAVIS, Olive Margaret 5 July 1898 17 December 1958 MORRIS, William, WILESMITH, Arthur William DAVIS, George Edward McLEAN, Alice
DAVIS, Paul Michael       DAVIS, Steven John URBANO, Franca Elda
DAVIS, Pheobe 25 June 1917 10 December 1983 GRIFFITHS, Geoffrey Alfred Atherton, PASSMORE, Thomas Basil DAVIS, John Edwin William SMITH, Catherine Florence
DAVIS, Phoebe Joan     SYKES, Noel Lewis DAVIS, Horace George WENNERSTEN, Eda Marea Coraline
DAVIS, Phyliss Doreen 8 February 1916 12 March 1993 HARRIS, William Richard DAVIS, Alfred Joseph Spelling ROGERS, Frances Ethel
DAVIS, Renee Maree 29 September 1984     DAVIS, Robert George ELLIOT, Helen Margaret
DAVIS, Rhys Alan 3 April 1987     DAVIS, Alan John LANGFORD, Christine Lois
DAVIS, Robert George 5 February 1961   ELLIOT, Helen Margaret DAVIS, Bert Huntley CARROLL, Bridget Mary
DAVIS, Scott Christopher 23 April 1985     DAVIS, Steven John URBANO, Franca Elda
DAVIS, Sidney Graham 18 April 1940   LEFROY, Pauline Lucille DAVIS, John Alfred McDOUGALL, Mary Louisa Catherine
DAVIS, Skye Emma 17 June 1984     DAVIS, Alan John LANGFORD, Christine Lois
DAVIS, Stanley Alfred James 1 April 1900   ATHERTON, Lily Elizabeth DAVIS, Alfred James WILLMAN, Johana
DAVIS, Steven John 14 October 1955   URBANO, Franca Elda DAVIS, Bert Huntley CARROLL, Bridget Mary
DAVIS, Suzanne Margaret 12 September 1943   TALBOT, Murray Alexander Stuart DAVIS, Gordon John ROLLSTON, Florence Esme Harriet
DAVIS, Walter George 4 November 1904   McDOUGALL, Sophie Hurford DAVIS, Thomas HAACK, Pauline