This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of TOMES. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
TOMES, Barbara Kay     McCOSKER, Philip Glendon TOMES, John Edward STRUTT, Thelma Miriam
TOMES, Eric John     STEENSTRA, Wytske Yvonne TOMES, John Edward STRUTT, Thelma Miriam
TOMES, John Edward 20 October 1917 1 November 2003 STRUTT, Thelma Miriam TOMES, John McQUEEN, Ellen
TOMES, Luke Brendan 10 March 1979     TOMES, Eric John STEENSTRA, Wytske Yvonne
TOMES, Nadia Geraldine 15 January 1971     TOMES, Eric John STEENSTRA, Wytske Yvonne
TOMES, Nancy Thelma 16 March 1945   CASTLEDINE, Graham TOMES, John Edward STRUTT, Thelma Miriam
TOMES, Pamela Gail       TOMES, John Edward STRUTT, Thelma Miriam
TOMES, Stephen Anthony 21 December 1968     TOMES, Eric John STEENSTRA, Wytske Yvonne