LESLIE, Mary Maude

Birth Name LESLIE, Mary Maude
Gender female
Age at Death 89 years, 8 months, 21 days


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Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1879      
Death 22 September 1968 Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia    
Burial 23 September 1968 A14A-P4665, Cemetery, Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia    
Religion     Methodist  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father LESLIE, John James
Mother JAMIESON, Margaret4 April 1910
         LESLIE, Mary Maude 1879 22 September 1968
    Brother     LESLIE, John William 29 July 1869 23 June 1957
    Brother     LESLIE, Andrew 26 October 1870 15 June 1876
    Sister     LESLIE, Jane 6 November 1871 27 June 1900
    Sister     LESLIE, Elizabeth 6 November 1871 17 April 1887
    Sister     LESLIE, Sophia 2 October 1874 15 July 1902
    Sister     LESLIE, Ann 25 December 1878


Family of McDOUGALL, Herbert Joseph and LESLIE, Mary Maude

Married Husband McDOUGALL, Herbert Joseph ( * 2 August 1873 + 25 July 1925 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 26 December 1898 Church of St Thomas, Toowong Qld    
Name Birth Date Death Date
McDOUGALL, Violet Esther19 February 18994 May 1985
McDOUGALL, Herbert Joseph14 September 190020 September 1978
McDOUGALL, Ivy Maud18 September 190317 October 1993
McDOUGALL, Edna May26 June 19071 October 1994


Type Value Notes Sources
REFN 312


  1. LESLIE, John James
    1. JAMIESON, Margaret
      1. LESLIE, Mary Maude
        1. McDOUGALL, Herbert Joseph
          1. McDOUGALL, Violet Esther
          2. McDOUGALL, Herbert Joseph
          3. McDOUGALL, Ivy Maud
          4. McDOUGALL, Edna May
      2. LESLIE, John William
      3. LESLIE, Andrew
      4. LESLIE, Jane
      5. LESLIE, Elizabeth
      6. LESLIE, Sophia
      7. LESLIE, Ann


LESLIE, John James
JAMIESON, Margaret