This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of PRYOR. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
PRYOR, Adele Margaret 23 July 1982     PRYOR, Ralph Leslie Morton EDWARDS, Kay
PRYOR, Albert William 31 January 1909 4 July 1984 HURST, Beryl Ruby PRYOR, William Moreton TUCKER, Fanny Theresa
PRYOR, Geoffrey William     LYNCH, Patricia PRYOR, Albert William HURST, Beryl Ruby
PRYOR, Lorraine Lesley 17 April 1939 21 July 1947   PRYOR, Albert William HURST, Beryl Ruby
PRYOR, Ralph Leslie Morton   5 September 1983 EDWARDS, Kay PRYOR, Albert William HURST, Beryl Ruby
PRYOR, Rodney Albert John 30 April 1945 6 January 1946   PRYOR, Albert William HURST, Beryl Ruby
PRYOR, Royston James William 31 March 1987     PRYOR, Geoffrey William LYNCH, Patricia