This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of BARCLAY. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
BARCLAY, Dennis       BARCLAY, Keith Boyd HOLZBERGER, Marie Lilian
BARCLAY, James 18 December 1894 7 September 1918 McDOUGALL, Daisy Radford BARCLAY, James WITHERS, Lizzie
BARCLAY, James Stuart Gordon 23 October 1920 20 November 1990   BARCLAY, James McDOUGALL, Daisy Radford
BARCLAY, Jean Mavis estimated 1918 2 April 2005 BEADLE, Francis Thomas BARCLAY, James McDOUGALL, Daisy Radford
BARCLAY, John Leslie       BARCLAY, Keith Boyd HOLZBERGER, Marie Lilian
BARCLAY, Karen       BARCLAY, Keith Boyd HOLZBERGER, Marie Lilian
BARCLAY, Keith Boyd 13 November 1922   HOLZBERGER, Marie Lilian BARCLAY, James McDOUGALL, Daisy Radford
BARCLAY, Neville       BARCLAY, Keith Boyd HOLZBERGER, Marie Lilian
BARCLAY, William McDougall 1927 24 July 1994   BARCLAY, James McDOUGALL, Daisy Radford