
The year in brackets is the calculated year of birth
based on the age in the passenger list and the year of arrival which appears at the end of the line.

Albert (1900)  on Demosthenes 1912
Alice (1855)  on Great Queensland 1873
Alice (1897)  on Demosthenes 1912
Arthur (1869)  on Demosthenes 1912
Arthur (1895)  on Demosthenes 1912
Beatrice (1883)  on Duke of Sutherland 1884
Blanch (1873)  on Zoroaster 1874
Charlotte (1850)  on Duke of Sutherland 1884
Charlotte (1882)  on Duke of Sutherland 1884
Clarissa (1862)  on Dacca 1887
Edward Rev (1850)  on Dacca 1887
Elizabeth (1858)  on Chyebassa 1884
Emma (1871)  on Duke of Sutherland 1884
Fanny (1869)  on Demosthenes 1912
Florence (1874)  on Zoroaster 1874
Frances (1839)  on Waroonga 1887
Francis (1898)  on Demosthenes 1912
George (1845)  on Duke of Sutherland 1884
George (1860)  on Famenoth 1888
Harriett (1874)  on Duke of Sutherland 1884
Harry (1861)  on Merkara 1886
Henry (1875)  on Merkara 1891
James (1882)  on Chyebassa 1884
Jane (1847)  on Zoroaster 1874
Leonard (1907)  on Demosthenes 1912
Mabel (1880)  on Perthshire 1912
Maria (1862)  on Dacca 1887
Mary (1883)  on Chyebassa 1884
Nellie (1879)  on Duke of Sutherland 1884
Phyllis (1908)  on Demosthenes 1912
Richard (1885)  on Norseman 1910
Richd W (1856)  on Earl Derby 1879
Robert S (1867)  on Bulimba 1887
Robert (1850)  on Zoroaster 1874
Samuel (1855)  on Chyebassa 1884
William (1834)  on Cairngorm 1863
Wm (1867)  on Merkara 1883