
The year in brackets is the calculated year of birth
based on the age in the passenger list and the year of arrival which appears at the end of the line.

Adam (1856)  on Eastminster 1888
Alfred (1867)  on Merkara 1886
Alice (1873)  on Jumna 1890
Arthur (1866)  on Dacca 1884
Charles (1864)  on Manora 1882
Charles (1867)  on Waroonga 1888
Eliza (1853)  on Waroonga 1884
Frederick (1867)  on Manora 1882
George E (1870)  on Great Queensland 1873
Gertrude (1873)  on Dorunda 1891
Henry (1873)  on Great Queensland 1873
James (1862)  on Duke of Buccleuch 1883
Jane Boreton (1874)  on Suffolk 1874
Jane (1856)  on Suffolk 1874
Joshua (1892)  on Rippingham Grange 1909
Mary A (1872)  on Great Queensland 1873
Mary (1837)  on Great Queensland 1873
Mary (1854)  on Great Queensland 1873
Robert (1850)  on Suffolk 1874
S H Mr ()  on Duke of Westminster 1898
Saml (1855)  on Waroonga 1884
Thomas (1853)  on Great Queensland 1874
William (1844)  on Great Queensland 1873
William (1859)  on Taroba 1888
Wm (1860)  on Mairi Bhan 1882