
The year in brackets is the calculated year of birth
based on the age in the passenger list and the year of arrival which appears at the end of the line.

Alice (1866)  on Royal Dane 1871
Andrew (1869)  on Jumna 1887
Caroline (1864)  on Royal Dane 1871
Christina (1865)  on Jumna 1887
Ellen (1843)  on Conway 1862
Ellen (1859)  on Dacca 1888
Hannah (1842)  on Royal Dane 1871
Hannah (1862)  on Royal Dane 1871
Henry (1868)  on Royal Dane 1871
Henry ()  on Moffatt 1836
James A (1884)  on Duke of Argyle 1884
James (1858)  on Dacca 1888
James (1861)  on Jumna 1887
James (1865)  on Duke of Argyle 1884
James (1881)  on Dacca 1888
John (1837)  on Jumna 1887
John (1860)  on Duke of Argyle 1884
Lucy (1880)  on Duke of Portland 1899
Margaret (1835)  on Jumna 1887
Margaret (1870)  on Jumna 1887
Margaret (1885)  on Dacca 1888
Mary (1860)  on Duke of Argyle 1884
Michael (1837)  on Young Australia 1868
Samuel (1871)  on Royal Dane 1871
Thomas (1853)  on Highflyer 1878
William (1838)  on Royal Dane 1871
William (1862)  on Oriana 1887
William (1879)  on Dacca 1888