
The year in brackets is the calculated year of birth
based on the age in the passenger list and the year of arrival which appears at the end of the line.

Edward (1866)  on Roma 1891
Elsbeth (1896)  on Cassel 1912
Emilius (1849)  on Gutenberg 1871
Ernst (1900)  on Cassel 1912
Gottfried (1855)  on Waroonga 1887
Gottlieb (1834)  on Beausite 1863
Hedwig (1883)  on Waroonga 1887
Heinricke (1862)  on Waroonga 1887
Hermann (1904)  on Cassel 1912
Johanna (1852)  on Humboldt 1870
Jos Louise (1877)  on Frideburg 1878
Joseph (1837)  on Frideburg 1878
Joseph (1878)  on Frideburg 1878
Josephine (1841)  on Frideburg 1878
Julius (1868)  on Cassel 1912
Margaretha (1853)  on Reichstag 1871
Marie (1869)  on Cassel 1912
Marie (1902)  on Cassel 1912
Otto (1885)  on Waroonga 1887