
The year in brackets is the calculated year of birth
based on the age in the passenger list and the year of arrival which appears at the end of the line.

Albert E (1864)  on Merkara 1887
Charlotte (1874)  on Dacca 1887
Frederick (1836)  on General Hewitt 1854
George W (1854)  on Lady Douglas 1879
George (1817)  on John Fielden 1854
James (1862)  on Linlithgowshire 1884
John (1855)  on Cornuvia 1876
Joseph B (1863)  on New Guinea 1885
Lawrence (1859)  on Cornuvia 1876
Lucy (1864)  on Dacca 1887
Mary (1824)  on John Fielden 1854
Mary (1870)  on Dacca 1887
Mr ()  on Merkara 1885
Patrick (1856)  on Indus 1884
Rebecca (1867)  on Waroonga 1887
Sarah (1845)  on Indus 1870
Thomas (1867)  on Dacca 1887
William H (1851)  on Toowoomba 1874
William (1845)  on Indus 1870
William (1869)  on Dorunda 1889