
The year in brackets is the calculated year of birth
based on the age in the passenger list and the year of arrival which appears at the end of the line.

Alfred (1856)  on Storm King 1873
Barbara (1906)  on Somerset 1911
Bathai (1903)  on Somerset 1911
Charles (1871)  on Dorunda 1890
Denis (1856)  on Tara 1892
Eliza (1866)  on Merkara 1887
Elizabeth (1881)  on Somerset 1911
Ellen (1852)  on Indus 1871
Emily (1860)  on Tara 1892
Frank E J (1891)  on Tara 1892
George (1852)  on Storm King 1873
George (1854)  on Storm King 1873
Henry W (1831)  on Genghis Khan 1854
James (1910)  on Somerset 1911
John Henry (1852)  on Indus 1884
John (1879)  on Somerset 1911
John (1908)  on Somerset 1911
Joseph (1848)  on Indus 1871
Sarah (1862)  on Dacca 1887
Thomas (1860)  on Scottish Hero 1883
Thomas (1860)  on Scottish Hero 1883
Thomas (1865)  on Duke of Sutherland 1886
Wm (1861)  on Scottish Hero 1883
Wm (1861)  on Scottish Hero 1883