
The year in brackets is the calculated year of birth
based on the age in the passenger list and the year of arrival which appears at the end of the line.

Annie (1880)  on Norseman 1910
Bridget (1831)  on Monsoon 1854
Bridget (1856)  on Toowoomba 1874
Bridget (1860)  on Scotish Hero 1879
Fred (1901)  on Norseman 1910
Helen (1846)  on Scotland 1882
Martin (1862)  on Duke of Westminster 1885
Mary J (1850)  on Great Queensland 1873
Michael (1855)  on Waroonga 1884
Patrick (1833)  on Monsoon 1854
Rose (1905)  on Norseman 1910
Thomas (1824)  on Monsoon 1854
William (1867)  on Rialto 1886
Wm (1842)  on Scotland 1882