
The year in brackets is the calculated year of birth
based on the age in the passenger list and the year of arrival which appears at the end of the line.

Alfred (1866)  on Indus 1872
Ann (1849)  on Maria Soames 1852
Anna M (1836)  on Toowoomba 1873
Annie (1861)  on Merkara 1888
Baby (1895)  on India 1895
Captain ()  on Melpomene 1883
Edwin (1867)  on Quetta 1889
Elizabeth (1819)  on Indus 1872
Ellen (1857)  on Scottish Knight 1877
Emma (1860)  on Roma 1884
Emma ()  on Quetta 1889
Flo (1870)  on Duke of Westminster 1884
Fred J (1887)  on Omrah 1907
George (1814)  on Manora 1882
George (1821)  on Maria Soames 1852
George (1858)  on Indus 1872
Harriet Emma (1871)  on Quetta 1889
Honor (1826)  on Duke of Westminster 1884
John (1846)  on Nourmahal 1874
Margaret (1851)  on Flying Cloud 1870
Marjory (1871)  on Merkara 1891
Mary (1822)  on Maria Soames 1852
Miss (1868)  on Melpomene 1883
Mrs (1818)  on Manora 1882
Mrs (1842)  on Dorunda 1886
Mrs ()  on India 1895
Samuel (1851)  on Maria Soames 1852
Sarah A (1860)  on Indus 1872
Sarah (1842)  on Maria Soames 1852
Thomas (1819)  on Indus 1872
Thomas (1847)  on Netherby 1866
William (1852)  on Nourmahal 1874
William (1853)  on Darling Downs 1874