
The year in brackets is the calculated year of birth
based on the age in the passenger list and the year of arrival which appears at the end of the line.

Anne (1826)  on Royal Saxon 1848
Daniel (1855)  on Devon 1879
Fred (1865)  on Ravenscrag 1883
James (1853)  on Eastminster 1876
Julia A (1868)  on Roma 1887
Margaret (1849)  on St James 1876
Mary (1830)  on Royal Saxon 1848
Mary ()  on India 1895
Matilda (1828)  on Emigrant 1850
Patrick (1833)  on Duke of Newcastle 1862
Peter (1848)  on Great Queensland 1874
Thomas (1828)  on Royal Saxon 1848
Thomas (1846)  on Duke of Buccleuch 1883
Thomas (1859)  on Scottish Admiral 1882
William (1834)  on Zealandia 1868
William (1895)  on Demosthenes 1912
Wm (1858)  on Duke of Devonshire 1883