
The year in brackets is the calculated year of birth
based on the age in the passenger list and the year of arrival which appears at the end of the line.

Albert E (1862)  on Indus 1871
Albert (1855)  on Cloncurry 1884
Alice (1860)  on Bulimba 1888
Amelia (1902)  on Commonwealth 1903
Charlotte (1869)  on Tara 1892
Eliza (1837)  on Indus 1871
Eliza (1884)  on Bulimba 1888
Evelyn (1903)  on Commonwealth 1903
Fredk (1834)  on Indus 1871
Henry (1879)  on Commonwealth 1903
Herbert (1880)  on Oroya 1908
Herod (1839)  on Sultana 1864
J H Mr ()  on Jumna 1898
James (1866)  on Silhet 1883
James (1882)  on Kaikoura 1911
Jane (1839)  on Sultana 1864
John L (1831)  on Light of the Age 1864
John (1842)  on Light Brigade 1863
Joseph (1886)  on Kaipara 1911
Louis E (1868)  on Indus 1871
Mary A (1883)  on Perthshire 1911
Mary L (1859)  on Sultana 1864
Mary Mrs (1879)  on Commonwealth 1903
Richard (1857)  on Duke of Sutherland 1886
Thomas (1853)  on Duke of Buckingham 1883
Thomas (1881)  on Kaikoura 1911
Thomas (1882)  on Bulimba 1888
W J A Mr (1862)  on Duke of Argyle 1899
William (1847)  on Light Brigade 1863